World of Revilo Campaign Setting


Over the past 30 years humans, elves, and dwarves have crashed onto the coast of revilo, discovering a land the other side of the world had never seen. One human has built an army and hired the vile, marauding greyskrulls to aid him on his conquests. Will the rest of revilo be able to form an alliance before this army conquers them?. Will the gods wake from hibernation to keep their people safe? While the outlanders try to find their way in this new land, a revered sect of 18, known as the keepers of secrets are slowly being hunted down by a new cult. Inside each of the keepers of secrets is a fragment of the evil god ghyrma. The keepers of secrets fear that this new cult is collecting the pieces to try and resurrect the long forsaken god. This campaign setting is compatible with the 5th edition of the world's first role-playing game.